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It Deepens the Spiritual Life
The theme of great hunger remains an underlying cause in the study of obesity and depression. INSATIABLE posits—using many authoritative sources—that the human soul loves beauty and desires it, seeking the appeasing fragrances of nature’s beauty (Younghusband, 1921), to quiet the turbulence, at least in the first step. The book’s unique exploration of monasteries and the silence that dwells in them offers a remarkably simple remedy to the reader’s hunger in a rather frenetic world.
It Convincingly Discourages Calorie-Restrictive Diets
U.S. society, since the 1970s, has had a high interest in weight loss as evidenced by the sale of millions of diet books, yet despite this, obesity trends continued to increase. Overall efficacy of caloric-restrictive diets varies between 1-3% when measured over 5 to 7 years after completing the diet. Weight loss diets have clearly failed Americans. Could it be that caloric restrictive diets are actually driving the growth of the obesity epidemic?
It Explores The Historical Origins of Obesity
The book documents the historical origins of the obesity crisis going back as far as the 17th, and 18th centuries, when the cultural celebration of gluttony began among the aristocracies of Europe; it was a celebration of the senses and a lessening of the moral sting of gluttony by relativizing religious morals.
We All Have A Deep Insatiable Hunger
INSATIABLE identifies the obesity epidemic more as a symptom of a much more profound social malaise that nobody wants to talk about. The obesity epidemic, when considered from an epidemiological perspective, is but one epidemic among varied epidemics now sweeping through American society and changing the very fabric of our culture and social norms.
As a nation, we have a deep-rooted and unruly hunger for food that created an obesity epidemic that has brought our healthcare costs to the brink of insolvency. What is driving this hunger? We are spiritual beings that hunger for truth, and this hunger is indeed insatiable. The book is a 15 year investigation into how America can successfully satisfy this unappeasable hunger that needs to be brought into right order if we, as a nation, want to subdue this raging epidemics of chronic diseases and social upheavals now ravaging our national landscape.
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Redefining medical and social upheavals of our times
Explore how nutrition and spirituality conspire together to offer a long-lasting remedy and a complete understanding of the modern-day obesity crisis, and many of the US's epidemics and social upheavals.
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We All Have a Deep Insatiable Hunger
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Depression documentary
DEPRESSION: The Whole Truth
About Dr David J Bissonnette
Dr. Bissonnette is an Associate Professor of Nutrition and has been teaching nutrition at various universities since 1993 and doing research in several areas: 1-The effects of nutritional support on malnutrition and trauma; 2- The impact of artificial sweeteners on weight gain; 3-Assessing and detection of sarcopenia in obesity; 4-Comprehensively studying the impact of family breakdown on the rising prevalence of obesity, chronic diseases and social upheavals in American society.
He has presented at national and international conferences on the topics of malnutrition and disease, and obesity. Additionally, he produced three comprehensive educational documentaries:
1. Obesity in America: A National Crisis which is distributed by Films for the Humanities and Sciences. Web-link:
2. A Diabetic Nation: An American Tragedy: Web-link:
3. Depression the Whole Truth. Web-link:
Dr. Bissonnette wrote two nutrition textbooks between 2009 and 2022 for undergraduate Freshmen and for majors in the health science fields of nursing, dietetics, and medicine.
1. Nutrition for Healthcare Professionals: An Introduction for Disease Prevention [ISBN: 978-152498377-2]. Web-link:
2. Nutrition Revolution: Influencing the Medical and Social Determinants of Health [ISBN: 978-0-578-31936-0]. Web-link:
The research for INSATIABLE began in 1995, but it was in 2012 that he committed significant time and focus to completing the book